The Sacred Heart of Jesus Parish in Los Mochis stands majestically among ancient and modern buildings. It symbolizes the heart of the faith of the people of Mochis.
Over the years and the passage of generations, the old but well-preserved building has hosted the hopes, sorrows, tears, laughter, and joys of those who have lived and continue to live in this city, a true pride of Sinaloa.

Through its beautiful stained glass windows, prayers seeking divine comfort have risen to the heavens.
The central nave has seen the procession of faithful and families who have come there for the first cry of their babies upon receiving baptismal water. The notes of wedding marches for their children and the tears of farewell for the departure of their loved ones have echoed through its halls.

“No one who goes there leaves with empty hands and heart. The sublime presence of the Almighty fills every corner and gently touches the souls of those who come in search of Christian hope.” –
Melchor Angulo
Through its wide doors, the Our Fathers and Hail Marys have escaped, sent to the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
Christmas at the Sacred Heart of Jesus Parish in Los Mochis
And Christmas! The Parish of the Sacred Heart of Jesus in Los Mochis is alive with joy!
Choirs with carols delight families gathered around the Christmas miracle of the birth of the Child God, while the scent of myrrh and incense rises to the cold skies of that Holy Night, as if reaching the humble Bethlehem manger!

Every year, thousands of faithful gather there to attend and participate in the grand Christian ritual of the Siege of Jericho.
There, like the song of Serrat about the poor and the rich, as brothers, they sing and shake hands. Knees bend at the passage of the Almighty. And pride and grievances are forgotten.
All of this happens in the beautiful Sacred Heart of Jesus Parish in Los Mochis, which is also waiting for you with its doors open when you visit Los Mochis.

Text: Melchor Angulo
Writer and Journalist
Photo Gallery

How This Virtual Tour Was Made
Photographing the exterior required using a speed of 1/100 to avoid blurry images of people. To achieve this, I had to increase the ISO to 1600 with an aperture of f/8. The Sacred Heart of Jesus Parish and the 27 de Septiembre Plaza are a beautiful example of this type of photography.
Use our photos
Our photos have “Creative Commons“ license. This license allows you to use our photos, without needing permission, legally. When using the photos, the only requirement is that you provide credit as follows:
“Photography: Miguel Angel Victoria / Sinaloa 360”

English translation made by Carlos Alberto García Leyva, student at PrepaTec Campus Sinaloa. Tecnológico de Monterrey