
The Luis Pérez Meza Alley is located in front of the Santa Ursula Parish and is the most well-known in the municipal seat of Cosalá, bearing the name of this famous composer. Throughout the town, we find cobblestone streets, alleys, some of them pedestrian. The houses are painted in cheerful colors and built right up to the edge of the sidewalk.

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The Magical Town of Cosalá was built with an architectural style that suits the climate and customs of its residents. Central courtyards surrounded by arches with spacious rooms and high ceilings, as was common in the colonial era.

Callejón Luis Pérez Meza

The most well-known is the Luis Pérez Meza Alley, honoring the greatest artist from Cosalá, born in La Rastra in 1917.

Luis Pérez Meza

Of humble origin but with a spirit of greatness, Luis Pérez Meza managed to reach the level of the greats of the Golden Age, performing alongside Pedro Infante, Jorge Negrete, Pedro Armendáriz, to name a few, in different films such as “Allá en el Rancho Grande,” “Juan Charrasqueado,” “Las Cuatro Milpas,” among others.

He immortalized the song “El Barzón” and composed great hits like “El Sauce y la Palma,” “Las Isabeles,” “El Muchacho Alegre,” and “La India Bonita,” which have been interpreted by internationally renowned singers such as La Banda El Recodo, Antonio Aguilar, and more.

Callejón Luis Pérez Meza

It is the most beautiful alley, as it has undergone changes in various administrations to enhance its beauty, including the current one where an artisanal sky made of flowers by the cosaltecos working in the City Hall has been added.

Through his music, he had the opportunity to travel around the world, singing for the American army in Pearl Harbor and sharing the stage with the Cuban Star Celia Cruz. It’s worth mentioning that there is a dedicated room to him in the Museum of Mining and History, displaying original costumes proudly worn in his performances, records, awards, platinum discs, photographs, etc..

It is the most beautiful alley, as it has undergone changes in various administrations to enhance its beauty, including the current one where an artisanal sky made of flowers by the cosaltecos working in the City Hall has been added, giving it a touch of great beauty, and many people have come to observe and take pictures.

Text: Dr. Marcos C. Santos Quintero

Turism Director of Cosalá

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Como se hizo este Tour Virtual

Serían aproximadamente las seis de la tarde cuando hice estas fotografías. El Callejón Luis Pérez Meza tenía un tráfico peatonal muy intenso. Con el apoyo de los comerciantes y de las autoridades municipales cerramos el paso a los visitantes por diez minutos.

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Our photos have “Creative Commons“ license. This license allows you to use our photos, without needing permission, legally. When using the photos, the only requirement is that you provide credit as follows: 

“Photography: Miguel Angel Victoria / Sinaloa 360”

English translation made by Diego González Yáñez, student at PrepaTec Campus Sinaloa. Tecnológico de Monterrey.

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