Parroquia del Sagrado Corazon de Jesus in Eldorado, dates back to the 1910s. Built by family Redo, where attended most of the town, who were around 2 thousand people, and rebuilt with its two towers. Eldorado is a town located at the center of Culiacan, exactly at San Lorenzo Valley. It connects at North to Costa Rica, at East to Quila, at South to Emiliano Zapata and at West to El Golfo de California.
Eldorado has 22 communities in its 226.47 square miles of expansion. With a population of 23 628 people distributed along 38 colonies, where the most important are Eldorado, Sanchez Celis, Las Arenitas and San Diego.
Its economy depends on an irrigated farming, sugar industry and fishing.
To establishing this fabric, family Redo had bought the machinery of sugar mill “San Claudio”, located in Florida (USA). Which used to have the capacity of 600 tons for daily milling.
Family Redo in Eldorado
As a historical background, Eldorado sugar mill was founded more than 100 years ago. Thanks to Don Joaquín Redo, who along with his family established this sugar mill, considering the soil fertility of these lands for good crops.
Parroquia del Sagrado Corazon de Jesus, dates back to the 1910s, built by family Redo, where attended most of the town, who were around 2 thousand people
Moreover, Don Joaquin Redo’s sons (Joaquin, Diego, and Alejandro) made the plant layout to place the machinery. Which was sent by boat from port of Tampa, Floridaollowing a route surrounding South America through Cabo de Hornos to port Rabala, South of Altata bay in Sinaloa, its arrival destination.
Later, the whole machinery was carried on trunks rolled over the road or pulled by oxen and mules through a gap 13.67 miles long, across Selva Virgen forest to arrive where the sugar mill was placed.
5 months later, the machinery was completely landed and ready to start the movement. So in March 28, 1900, the first stone was placed and thereby, began the building of the sugar mill in Eldorado.
In this event showed up the state governor, General Don Francisco Cañedo in representation of Republic president General Don Porfirio Díaz.
Some of the attractions in El Dorado are its sunny beaches, Canadian duck hunting sports, Easter parties in Navito and in March the festival of the anniversary of founding of the Valley.
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How this Virtual Tour was made
Along with my friend Guillermo Alvarado I was in El Dorado at a very beauty and historic estate which we want to make a virtual tour about called “Hacienda de Los Redo”.
When we were getting back as it stopped raining, we visited Parroquia del Sagrado Corazon de Jesus, in which among other distinguished characters, Memo was baptized, to take some photospheres of the temple and the square next to it.
The cloudy sky let soft shadows for the pictures, generating soft contrast of colors.
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Our photos have “Creative Commons“ license. This license allows you to use our photos, without needing permission, legally. When using the photos, the only requirement is that you provide credit as follows:
“Photography: Miguel Angel Victoria / Sinaloa 360”
English language translation made by Universidad Autónoma de Sinaloa through the collaboration of Centro de Estudio de Idiomas Culiacán
What dates in March of 2023 is the Festival of the Anniversary of founding of the Valley?