
With the support of the radio station GANAC MAXIMA 103.3 FM, enforcing more people to join the fight of cancer in childhood and for them to be carriers of hope for families living this serious disease.

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Know by Virtual Reality Radioton GANAC Maxima 103.3 FM

It all started with leukaemia, a cancer that for a child is like a flu and for parents fear to lose their child forever. 

When fear transforms to hope miracles that transcend the years can happen”.

Claudia Blanco Montaño

Call it God o or science but the fact that his child was treated and cured in a hospital for free specialized in pediatric oncology research, changed their lives forever and those around them.

GANAC Maxima 103.3

For the last twenty years the mission of Oscar Blanco Torres and Claudia Montaño Iruretagoyena has been to support children with cancer in Sinaloa. 

His work has joined more people together whose dedication and love have achieved what today they are to realize the nineteenth race of GANAC and the third edition of RADIOTÓN.

Claudia Blanco Montaño

Text: Claudia Blanco Montaño

Lic. en Periodismo y Maestra

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How this Virtual Tour was made

Virtual Reality photography in confined spaces has some complexity. 

The calibration of the Nodal Ninja NN4 panoramic patella should be perfect to achieve the non-parallax point, of the images when sewing in PTGui or Autopano do not double. 

Civil society organizations like GANAC are a model to follow, their contribution is disinterested way to the benefit of the community.

I am deeply grateful for the opportunity they gave me to do this Virtual Tour.

Use our photos

Our photos have “Creative Commons“ license. This license allows you to use our photos, without needing permission, legally. When using the photos, the only requirement is that you provide credit as follows: 

“Photography: Miguel Angel Victoria / Sinaloa 360”

Logotipo de la Universidad Autónoma de Sinaloa

English language translation made by Universidad Autónoma de Sinaloa through the collaboration of Centro de Estudio de Idiomas Culiacán

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