
The Templo de Santa Ines, located in front of the Tec de Monterrey, began its construction in October 1992. Then, it’s delivered in December 1993 to the Diocese of Culiacan, Sinaloa. Its first Chaplain was Monsignor Alfredo González, from Christmas 1993 to July 2002.

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Know by Virtual Reality the Saint Agnes Parish
(Parroquía de Santa Ines)

On January 21st, 2012, in the memory of Saint Agnes, Virgin and Martyr, Monsignor Jonas Guerrero Corona performs the canonical establishment of the Parroquía de Santa Ines.

Parroquía de Santa Ines

At the same time, appoints the presbyter Jose Luis Avila Sepulveda as the first parish priest of the community.

The canon, Mr. Manuel Lopez Quintero, on July 27th, 2002, with Monsignor Benjamin Jiménez Hernández acting as bishop, is exonerated from being a pastor of the Sacred Heart of Jesus Parish in Los Mochis, Sinaloa, giving him a new entrustment as a Chaplain of the Parroquía de Santa Ines in the Episcopal city of Culiacan, Sinaloa. His stay was only of a few weeks due to his health problems.

Parroquía de Santa Ines

In such circumstances, the priest Marco Alejandro Jimenez Pallares is asked to replace the canon Manuel Lopez Quintero, during the time the time of his convalescence. 

The new Chaplain of Parroquía de Santa Ines

It was until Christmas 2002, that the priest Marco Alejandro Jimenez Pallares is presented as the new Chaplain of Saint Agnes Temple.

Parroquía de Santa Ines

In August 2006, Monsignor Benjamin Jimenez Hernandez appoints the presbyter Jose Luis Avila Sepulveda as the fourth Chaplain of Saint Agnes Temple.

On March 18th, 2011, the Holy Father Pope Benedict XVI, appoints as Bishop elected of the Diocese of Culiacan to Monsignor Jonas Guerrero Corona, who, according to the protocol 970, dated August 22nd, 2011, ratifies presbyter Avila in his pastoral service as chaplain of the chaplaincy of Saint Agnes, of the deanship number thirteen, for three years.

Parroquía de Santa Ines

Likewise, he encourages him to begin the establishment of that community, as a new parochial jurisdiction.

On January 21st, 2012, in the memory of Saint Agnes, Virgin and Martyr, Monsignor Jonas Guerrero Corona performs the canonical establishment of the Saint Agnes Parish and, at the same time, appoints the presbyter Jose Luis Avila Sepulveda as the first parish priest of the community.

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How the Virtual Tour was made

I made the photography of Parroquía de Santa Ines in the middle of the morning, it was a beautiful sunny day and the light that came through the windows produced a very pretty illumination in the temple.

To avoid the windows being overexposed, I made a second shot with two steps underexposed and through a selection of channels in Photoshop; I merged the two images with the appreciated results.

Use our photos

Our photos have “Creative Commons“ license. This license allows you to use our photos, without needing permission, legally. When using the photos, the only requirement is that you provide credit as follows: 

“Photography: Miguel Angel Victoria / Sinaloa 360”

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English language translation made by Universidad Autónoma de Sinaloa through the collaboration of Centro de Estudio de Idiomas Culiacán

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