
The Teatro Angela Peralta is located in the Historic Center of Mazatlan near Plazuela Machado. Rebuilt twice and inaugurated three, the Angela Peralta Theater in Mazatlan is today a magnificent room. In addition to its beautiful architecture, features the most modern advancements to present shows.

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Know by Virtual Reality the
Teatro Angela Peralta

Angela Peralta Castera (Mexico City July 6, 1845 – Mazatlan, August 30, 1883) was a world famous Mexican soprano singer in the nineteenth century, known as “The Mexican Mockingbird” and called in Italy “Angelica di voce e di nome”. 

Teatro Angela Peralta

She conquered the leading European stages before the age of 20.

The first stone was laid in 1869, the last one in 1992, and in October of that same year the new “Teatro Angela Peralta” was inaugurated with “Carmen de Bizet’s” opera.

It was sang by the company of Fine Arts along with guest artists, except the children’s choir, which was local, and the orchestra director who was Enrique Patron de Rueda from Mazatlan.

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How the Virtual Tour was made

The photograph of the Theatre Angela Peralta was made in two stages, the exterior by the afternoon at the blue hour, with a color of the sky which contrasts with the saturated colors that generates artificial lighting and the interior was taken the next morning. It was a wonderful experience to capture images of its beautiful architecture. 

I made two shots, the first with an exposure of 6 seconds and the second of 1.5 seconds and with a selection of channels and by using layers in Photoshop, I managed to have information to not “burn” the nearby areas to the reflectors. By the way, the theater lighting system drew my attention, it is splendidly handled by professional technicians.

Use our photos

Our photos have “Creative Commons“ license. This license allows you to use our photos, without needing permission, legally. When using the photos, the only requirement is that you provide credit as follows: 

“Photography: Miguel Angel Victoria / Sinaloa 360”

Logotipo de la Universidad Autónoma de Sinaloa

English language translation made by Universidad Autónoma de Sinaloa through the collaboration of Centro de Estudio de Idiomas Culiacán

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