
The Fuerte Mirador Museum was integrated into the most representative buildings of the Magical Town of El Fuerte on December 9, 2001. Municipal President Humberto Galaviz Armenta responded to an urgent cultural need to house those objects, photos and documents related to the history of the municipality.

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Fortunately, there is an extensive bibliography describing the shape of that “Fort” built by Francisco de Ibarra. And in 1610, the one built by Captain Diego Martínez de Hurdaide was of great help as a refuge for his army.

But it also served to intimidate the chiefs and leaders of the groups in the region. When they saw the marvel of construction, they presented themselves to him submissively and with offerings requesting peace and that they send missionary “fathers” to their communities.

Already with that tradition, there was no other place more suitable for The Museum. It was decided to leave the Pila in the center, taking advantage of its roof to serve as a forum where cultural activities would be carried out in the afternoon or at night.

Museo El Fuerte

They had food, weapons and cavalry to defend themselves against the attacks of the Yoremes.

You can see the Plaza de Armas, the temple of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the curtain of the Miguel Hidalgo Dam. Shortly, just on the other side of the River, in the Tuchi, you can have fun and practice your imagination by looking for figures with the vegetation. Where vines line the treetops with foliage, forming whimsical figures. You can find elephants, giraffes, bears… A whole zoo that not even the one in Guadalajara compares to.

Photographic Collections

If the Mirador offers you the richness of the landscape, the Museum illustrates it with a magnificent collection of photographs. The Chronicler Humberto Ruiz Sánchez has been putting it together and it covers from the Foundation of El Fuerte to contemporary times.

In another room you will find information related to the Yoreme Culture. And one more, contains a special collection of photographs taken by the Photographer of the Socialist Colony of Topolobampo, the North American Ira Kneeland. He accompanied Eng. Eugenio Tays in the layout of the railroad from Topolobampo to Chihuahua, and with his camera he captured works and landscapes, towns and characters.

Sala Yoreme

The tour of this room will teach you about the customs of the Yoreme and Rarámuris groups.

There is another room where temporary exhibitions of painting, photography, crafts, etc. are held. And before saying goodbye, at the box office, you can purchase books on the history of the municipality, literature and poetry about the region, and without missing, the attractive crafts made by artisans who work to preserve and disseminate their art through masks of “ pascolas” and “Jews”, coyoles, jirukias, drums… musical instruments or garments used in their dances and sacred rituals by the Yoremes of Capomos, Tehueco,

Rincón de Aliso and Mochicahui.

Prof. Ernesto Parra Flores

Text: Prof. Ernesto Parra Flores

Chronicler of the Magic Town of El Fuerte

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“Photography: Miguel Angel Victoria / Sinaloa 360”

English translation made by Camila Alvarado Nuñez, student at PrepaTec Campus Sinaloa. Tecnológico de Monterrey.

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