The Torre Tres Ríos was completed until 2013, and it has become an icon in the city thanks to its superior structure which represents the delta of Humaya and Tamazula rivers, forming The Culiacan River.
Spectacular sunsets can be appreciated at Culiacan in this winter season, where all the colors mix together and reflect over Humaya, Tamazula and Culiacan rivers.
In this occasion, we managed to make a virtual tour from the top of Torre Tres Ríos at Culiacan, Sinaloa.
It is the tallest building in the city, conformed by 17 floors, plus 2 underground floors used for parking.
This is the virtual tour in which I have faced more challenges. On the one hand, I didn’t want to lose the opportunity of taking pictures of an awesome sunset in Culiacan, after a heavy rain day.
At the golden hour the sky cleared up a bit and I was able to capture the last lights of the day.
On the other hand, I have fear of heights and I had to go up with all the photographic equipment through small metallic stairs to the top of the Torre Tres Ríos.
And though they were well protected, the street could be seen 17 floors down! Anyway, I had to overcome my fear and it was all worth it.
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“Photography: Miguel Angel Victoria / Sinaloa 360”
English language translation made by Universidad Autónoma de Sinaloa through the collaboration of Centro de Estudio de Idiomas Culiacán