The Tamazula River is one of the 3 rivers that cross through the city of Culiacán. In the urban development “Tres Ríos”, where the monumental flagpole is located, it converges with the Humaya River, giving birth to the Culiacán River.
Sinaloa is famous for its importance in food production; it has 11 rivers, making an amazing hydraulic infrastructure of dams and canals, which allows for fertile land to be watered in the different valleys from north to south of the state. Vegetables such as tomato, cucumber, and chili and grains, especially corn, are planted.

The Tamazula River has a length of two hundred eighty kilometers, it is born in the neighboring state of Durango, releases its water in the Sanalona dam, and from there unto its journey to sea, it passes through Culiacán.
“Las Riberas” Park
One of the great attractions of the city is the Tamazula River. On both edges, the space has been used to build one of the prettiest parks in the northeast of the country, the “Las Riberas” Park, next to the Historic Center, where hundreds of families enjoy the classic sunsets, or just walk through the gorgeous trails.
Recently it was equipped with gardens, playgrounds, roasters, and tables in the “Parque Acuático” (direct translation being “Water Park”), another public space with a wide parking lot, located where the famous “Puente Negro” (“Black Bridge”) is.

There are also children’s games, bicycle rental, exercise equipment, roasters, and wooden plank tables to sit down and eat as well as socialize.
All along the Tamazula River a zoo has been built, the Constitution Park, and many hotels, restaurants, and shopping malls, amongst which “Forum” stands out for its size, with big retail stores and specialized ones with prestigious brands.
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How this Virtual Tour was made
Nighttime aerial photography is one of my favorite types to do. Fortunately, technology is advancing rapidly, and there are now drones like the Mavic 2 Pro, equipped with a Hasselblad camera featuring a one-inch sensor and excellent dynamic range. This allows you to use relatively low ISO and avoid noise in the images.
Use our photos
Our photos have “Creative Commons“ license. This license allows you to use our photos, without needing permission, legally. When using the photos, the only requirement is that you provide credit as follows:
“Photography: Miguel Angel Victoria / Sinaloa 360”

English translation made by Ariadna Cinco Martínez, student at PrepaTec Campus Sinaloa. Tecnológico de Monterrey.