
The ExpoAgro Sinaloa is an event organized by the Confederation of Agricultural Associations of the State of Sinaloa (CAADES), which connects the ten existing agricultural associations of the State.

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Know by Virtual Reality the ExpoAgro Sinaloa

The history of ExpoAgro Sinaloa

ExpoAgro Sinaloa was born due to the yearly travels around the world taken by a group of producers. On their trips, they would attend technological exhibitions and return home with the desire to create something similar.

ExpoAgro Sinaloa

It was in the late 80s, here in Culiacán, at “El Capule” field, property owned by Gildardo Ureta Sánchez, where the ExpoAgro Sinaloa was first conceived.

It originally started with seed validation tests under a tree in Culiacán’s Valley. They later moved the event to a field called “Don Cándido” owned by Jorge Kondo López, ex-president of CAADES.

ExpoAgro Sinaloa

For 28 years, the ExpoAgro Sinaloa has made history as one of the best agricultural exhibitions in the country.

Activities at the ExpoAgro Sinaloa

Almost three decades after its formation, ExpoAgro Sinaloa’s objective and main interest remains the same: to make it easier for producers to access technological advances that will help them achieve higher levels of efficiency in the activities they perform daily.

The event’s impact on the city’s economy is significant. It influences hotel occupancy, restaurants, malls, and tourism in places such as Jardín Botánico (Botanical Garden) and Las Riberas Park, which are visited by the exhibitors.

ExpoAgro Sinaloa

The activities of the ExpoAgro Sinaloa have been organized in many themes.

Speakers from government agencies come to talk about various programs of the federal and state governments. Booths of national and international suppliers are installed with the latest technological innovations. Extensive information about best practices of the chain value in the agri-food sector is also provided.

A business center with agendas between the supplier companies of agricultural products and the producers, ExpoAgro Sinaloa is a valuable tool to promote opportunities within the agro-industrial sector.

Text: Ulises Robles Gámez

President of CAADES

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How was this Virtual Tour made

When encountering enormous LED screens, as in some booths of the ExpoAgro Sinaloa, or in the Tomateros Stadium, you’ll have up to four stops of difference when measuring the light exposure.

This means that there’ll be sixteen times more light between the highlights and the shadows.

Therefore, we run the risk of “burning” the screens or “blowing out the shadows”. The thing that has worked perfectly for me is to measure the lighting correctly.

In bracketing shots, I make two additional shots, overexposing two stops in each one. In Lightroom, the three files are compressed into one HDR file. You can see the result in the virtual tour of the ExpoAgro Sinaloa.

Use our photos

Our photos have “Creative Commons“ license. This license allows you to use our photos, without needing permission, legally. When using the photos, the only requirement is that you provide credit as follows: 

“Photography: Miguel Angel Victoria / Sinaloa 360”

English translation made by Casandra Gallegos Ocegueda, student at PrepaTec Campus Sinaloa. Tecnológico de Monterrey.

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